Thursday, 11 April 2024

Instagram Woes

I'm a happy old lady,

Often stuck in my house.

I don't harm anyone,

Quiet as a mouse.

But my hobby, you see,

Is causing me grief,

I like entering comps,

And I'm fed up to the teeth!

Why you may ask,

What's going wrong?

Instagram, that's what!

For so very long.

I partake of my hobby,

Nothing new there.

You're banned – again.

I read with a glare.

But why, what did I do?

I'm just having fun,

But Instagram says,

I'm jumping the gun!

My comment is spam,

I'm garnering likes,

But really all I want

Is to win those there bikes!

I'm following the rules,

But still I get banned.

My innocent comments,

Are frequently canned!

For days, sometimes weeks,

I can't like and follow

Cos Instagram says so

It brings me such sorrow!

Come on Instagram,

Sort yourself out!

You're stopping our fun,

While spammers still spout.

All I want,

Today and tomorrow,

Is to enjoy my hobby

Without any sorrow.

Please take heed,

Of this simple verse,

Sort out your bots,

Before things get much worse!

For if you don't,

People will vote with their feet.

And go over to X,

To follow, compete.

And then Instagram will die

Because no one is left!

We'll all be happy,

While you are bereft!