Sunday 19 August 2018

The void

It had been a hard few months for her. If anything could go wrong, it had! She sat, exhausted and aching, feeling that nothing would ever be the same again.

She cried out, 'Please, someone, anyone, tell me what to do!' The silence laid heavy on her ears.

It was easy before – no problems, things just flowed in the way that they should, the way that they always had.

But in these last few months, nothing had gone to plan – nothing!

Once again she sought help, asking her angels, her loved ones, anyone to give her guidance. There must be something that she could do, something or someone that could help her.

'This is impossible! I can't see an answer!'

She sighed heavily, feeling as if she was drowning in a sea of blackness.

There must be someone out there that could inspire, help her, move her forward? Maybe some would see her plea, come to her aid.

The computer screen stared back at her, blank and mocking.

Two months. TWO MONTHS! That's how long it had been since she'd last written a blog post.

1 comment:

  1. I feel this person is me in terms of being lost, exhausted, not knowing what to do. I'm sorry you're in this position and struggling with it right now, just remember that things can and will change, you'll get back a little inspiration and energy to move forward, just little steps (like the first blog post in two months) ;)
    Take good care of yourself and hang in there...
    Caz xx
