Wednesday 17 April 2019

I want to win an Easter egg!

I want to win an Easter egg!
I'm not asking much.
I just love all chocolate,
When it comes to the crunch.

I usually win one,
Some years there's two,
Delicious and creamy,
I might share it with you!

There's so many comps,
To win tasty things,
Eggs, chicks or bunnies,
Such pleasure it brings.

Cadbury or Lindt,
Dark, milk or white,
I'm trying to win,
With all of my might!

Facebook and Twitter,
Seem to have lots,
I'll enter so carefully,
Hope they're not won by bots!

Easter is near,
Just another few days!
I'm getting quite desperate,
In so many ways!

I'm writing short ditties,
Counting up chicks,
Oh please let me win,
Choccie's my fix!

But still, If I don't win,
When Easter is done,
I'll buy it half price,
Though it's not so much fun.

But to all of my readers,
I wish to you all,
Easter good wishes,
Please have a ball.


  1. Fingers crossed you win something!!
    Hope you're having a lovely Easter weekend so far :)

    1. The day after I wrote this, I won an Easter hamper! Maybe I should write a poem about winning the lottery ;-)
