Wednesday 3 July 2019

The Changeling - Chapter Two

The Changeling

Chapter two

John gathered up the clippings and the photo, putting them back into the box and made his way shakily down the ladder, into the brightness of the house.

He went downstairs, clutching the box tightly and put it down carefully on the kitchen table.

He sat and ran his fingers through his hair nervously. He could hardly believe what he had seen. Surely, he had been mistaken, it just couldn't be true. It didn't make any sense!

He looked again at the box and thought about the contents. No, no, this just isn't right, he said to himself, rising and pacing back and forth across the tiled kitchen floor.

With a sudden movement, he grabbed the box, bolted for the back door, and ran into the garden.

'Fresh air, yes, that's what I need. Got to clear my head, can't think straight', he murmured to himself.

He walked across the overgrown garden to the bench under the apple tree. It was always Mum's favourite spot. He had lost count of the times that she had read to him on that bench over the years.

The tree had been planted when he had been small. It had grown strong and tall over the years. The bench had been Mum's idea. 'I just like to be here', she had said. 'It's my special place, this tree holds so many memories.'

When she had been ill, she had asked for her ashes to be scattered around its base. 'I want to be a part of it for ever.' She had said.

He sat down and gazed up through the spreading branches. The fruit was just starting to set, little miniature fruits, promising a bumper crop to come. This tree had always done well. Each year the apples swelled, ripe and juicy, filling its branches.

John looked down at the box, almost frightened to open it again, to see if what he had seen was true. He knew that it was impossible, but he had been so sure! The jolt had been enough to make the world spin!

With trembling hands, he once more opened the lid and gazed at the contents. He shuffled through the clippings, looking for the photo.

Yes there it was, he looked at it again. Yes, yes, he had been right!

He looked at the grainy photo of the missing child. And his own eyes looked straight back at him!

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