Oh the annoyance! There I was, having a nice quiet bath when..............drip............drip.............drip!

It won't turn off, unless you turn it off really hard, and then the next person can't turn it back on again.

So off I trudged to the D.I.Y shop to get a new washer. But, oh no, you can't get a washer for that sort of tap, it takes a cartridge, whatever that is. And, they don't have one for that particular tap.

So, what to do. There's nothing for it, I have to buy a new tap. But I can't just buy one, I have to buy a set.

So what would have been a simple job costing pence is now costing a whole lot more - and I don't know how to change a tap.

So on the phone I went to a plumber friend..........................help!

So he is now changing the taps for me as I type. Tonight I will be able to have a bath without the curse of the dripping tap, because it is no more, it has been consigned to tap heaven.